What is PowerSchool
The PowerSchool Student Information System is the primary source of information about a student's school activity. Students can view a class schedules, attendance records, grades, and assessments. Parents and guardians can view attendance, report cards, assessments and more.
Accessing PowerSchool
Open your favorite web browser and go to this site: https://siprep.powerschool.com/public. You may want to Bookmark this site.
Step 1 –
Parents: You first need to create an account to access your child's information. Click on the "Create Account" tab and follow the instructions to create your PowerSchool account. You will need the Access ID and Access Password that are emailed on August 1 to parents of new students.
Students: Enter your User Name and Password. You will set your password as part of your Frosh Technology OrientationNOTE: Because of PowerSchool security settings, you cannot save your password. You must re-type the password every time you log in.
Step 2 – You’re in! PowerSchool is very easy to navigate once you are in the system. Your page will look like this:
If you have multiple students at SI, you will see their names across the top and may select the student you wish to view by clicking on the name. The first page you will see is the Grades & Attendance page that displays the last two weeks attendance as well as the classes in which your student is currently enrolled along with the current grade for the term. If you click on any of the “blue” links, you will be able to see additional information. Clicking on the letter grade in each class will provide you with a list of assignments, tests, and quizzes that your son/daughter has been assigned. If there are not grades entered yet, a dashed line will appear. Teachers will update their grades in PowerSchool at least by our Mid-quarter, Midterm, and Semester Grade Report dates.
To e-mail one of your child’s instructors, click on the instructor’s name. To sign up for updates via email, you can click on the Email Notification button and follow the prompts. We do not have plans to use the School Bulletin or Score Reports features, though we may in the future.
Step 3 – The Sign Out link in the top right corner of any page will log you out of the PowerSchool server, and return you to the login page. If you access PowerSchool from a public computer, make sure you log out of the system and quit the web browser completely.
NOTE: Please keep in mind that teachers enter grades into PowerSchool differently. Assignments and scores are not always clearly defined for this reason; they are a reflection of recorded scores. Teachers are happy to meet with a student at any time to discuss his or her grade in the course. Your child’s grade will be accurately calculated in PowerSchool at the end of the grading quarter.