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Easily and securely pay for school meals online or on-the-go! Create your free MySchoolBucks account to view purchases, check your student’s balance, set up low balance alerts, and pay for food from anywhere. Beginning in the 24-25 school year, we will be cashless campus. MySchoolbucks will be the primary payment method for students to purchase food on campus.

Access MySchoolBucks & create an account:

Go to or download the mobile app and click on "Sign up today" to get started. You will be prompted to select a state; then under "select district" you will see St. Ignatius in the dropdown menu.

After you create your account, add your student by searching for their name and birthdate or by their student ID number.

Note for incoming Freshman -  If your student has attended summer school programs in the past, you will need to add them as a new student with their new High School ID# (6 digits - begins with class year) and remove the old student profile from your MySchoolBucks account. If you have any questions about this or if there are funds that need to be moved over to their new account, please email Kerryn Schwarz in the Business Office at

Add funds to your student's MySchoolBucks account:

On the Myschoolbucks website or mobile app, you can add funds using your credit/debit card or electronic check. MySchoolBucks charges a fee of $3.25 for credit/debit and $2.75 for electronic checks for deposits up to $300.  To avoid the fee, drop off a check made payable to St. Ignatius with your student's name & grade in the memo line.  The Business Office Drop Box is located near room 114 or the check can be given to Kathleen McKeon or Kerryn Schwarz. 

Use the Autopay feature to automatically fund the account when it goes below your threshold.  Autopay can take up to 24 hours to reload, so plan the threshold accordingly. Note - to restart this at the beginning of each school year, you may need to manually add the amount the first time. (Autopay is not available during the summer.)

How the payment system works:

Students scan their finger using biometrics to make a purchase. The system uses a biometric ID management system in an effort to provide accurate student identification and improve efficiency and security for our students and their accounts.  If you wish to opt out of the biometrics, please complete this form.  The cashiers can also look them up by name if they present their student ID.

New 9th graders - Incoming students will be enrolled in the biometric system (finger scan) during orientation on August 14th.

Student access to their balance:

Students can also create a MySchoolBucks account to see their purchases and monitor their balance. This is helpful way to teach them how to budget their funds.  The student account will not impact the parent account as they can be linked to more than one account. (Only accounts that have a linked credit/debit card can add funds.)

Refund policy (effective 8/1/2023):

When your student graduates or leaves SI for any reason, for balances from parent deposits over $20 you will have the option to get a refund check, transfer funds to another SI student, or make a donation to SI's Annual Fund. Balances $20 or below are automatically allocated to SI's Annual Fund as a donation, and you will receive a tax receipt the following January. For questions, please contact Kerryn Schwarz ( x5257.

MySchoolBucks questions:

  • Questions about setting up your account, accessing your account, or other account questions: call MySchoolBucks 1-855-832-5226  or access help on the MySchoolBucks website
  • Questions about refunds or purchases made at St. Ignatius: contact Kerryn Schwarz ( x5257.