Frequently Asked Questions
The decision of private education is an important one. The cost of private education from kindergarten through college is a major factor in this decision for many families in the Bay Area.
At SI, we are fortunate to benefit from the generosity of our benefactors to offer financial assistance to students and families in need. Below is a sampling of the typical questions surrounding this process. If you should have further questions, feel free to contact either Gus Gomozias,, in the Business Office or Sharon Brannen,, in the Financial Assistance Program Office.
For Multiple Households and Single Parents
St. Ignatius believes that parents have an ethical obligation to pay for the educational expenses of their children to the extent that they are able. This takes precedence over the school's responsibility to provide financial assistance. The Financial Assistance Committee will consider the assets of both natural or adoptive parents, if living, before making any award and cannot be bound by a decree, assertion or any other agreement that one parent has disclaimed, legally or otherwise, regarding any responsibility for educational expenses.
In view of this policy, for students with unmarried, separated or divorced parents, each separate household must submit an application in order for the student to be considered for tuition assistance.
Waiving the requirement of the non-custodial parent will be considered ONLY under the following circumstances:
- documented information is provided that states the location of the non-custodial parent is unknown; OR
- documented information is provided that the non-custodial parent has given no support AND has had no contact with the family for at least two years.
Documentation will be accepted from a doctor, lawyer, minister, or any such person outside the immediate family. If there are extenuating circumstances that might warrant waiving this requirement, written request must be uploaded with the TADS application and sent to the Financial Assistance Manager.
How is Financial Assistance handled at St. Ignatius?
All students accepted to SI are equally deserving of the opportunity to join our community. Financial assistance is granted to families based on economic need, not academic or co-curricular merit. This allows us to use our available funding in an equitable and inclusive manner, valuing the unique contributions of a diverse student body. We use the TADs financial assistance application platform to help us determine an applicant's ability to contribute financially towards their students' education, and offer tuition assistance as needed.
Who can apply for financial assistance?
All families who have a student at St. Ignatius are eligible to apply for financial assistance.
What is the total amount of financial assistance available? What is the average grant?
For the 2024-2025 academic year, the school will distribute $6.2 million to 23% of the student population. The average grant was $17,500 per student.
Are there any additional responsibilities for students if they are awarded financial assistance?
Students who receive significant financial assistance are also expected to participate in our Magis High School program, and may be offered academic assistance and other social support. These students do not "owe" SI anything in return for financial assistance, but are expected to take advantage of every opportunity to thrive as a member of our community.
We have a child in college. How does the school treat that expense?
While the financial assistance committee realizes the challenges and costs associated with a college education, it keeps college age children out of the direct evaluation. The college process also has a financial assistance as well as grant and loan processes that parents can access for assistance.
Who grants the money TADS, or SI?
All dollars committed to students come from the St. Ignatius endowment, and only go to offset tuition. TADS is a guide for the school committee and provides St. Ignatius with a summarized report. The information is reviewed by our Financial Assistance Committee and matched with the amount of funding we have available.
What is the Arrupe Assistance Program?
The complete “SI experience” includes additional out-of-pocket expenses associated with full participation in student life at the school. The Arrupe Assistance Program, named after the long time General Superior of the Jesuits, Fr. Pedro Arrupe, SJ, offers subsidies and discounts for on-campus dining, books, classroom materials, co-curricular and athletic costs. The specific benefits depend on a student's level of tuition assistance.
Financial Assistance Appeals
If you are a current student at St. Ignatius and would like to file an appeal for your tuition assistance award, please contact Sharon Brannen,