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Fathers' Club


The SI Fathers’ Club is a unique, fun-loving group open to all SI fathers and parents who identify as dads. We work together to craft friendships, support the school, and enrich the SI community. Our Fathers’ Club events are the core of our mission, and Members' participation in these events drives their success. Volunteering to help the Fathers’ Club helps our greater SI community while forging terrific friendships along the way!


The Big Event

Saturday & Sunday, March 1 & 2, 2025

Learn More

Who We Are

The SI Fathers’ Club is a unique, fun-loving group open to all SI Dads. We work together to craft friendships, support the school, and enrich the SI community. Our Fathers’ Club events are the core of our mission, and your participation in these events drives their success. Volunteering your time to help the Fathers’ Club will help our greater SI community while forging terrific friendships along the way! 

The SI Fathers' Club is composed of both current dads known as Members and dads of graduated students known as Lifetime Members. The Fathers' Club Board of Directors is reappointed each school year and sponsors many events both for SI dads and SI dads and their son(s) or daughter(s). The Fathers' Club also runs the concession stands at school athletic events and sponsors the annual Auction each year, which is a major fundraising event for contributing to the school needs. The Fathers' Club works closely with all the Parent Clubs. All Dads are encouraged to volunteer and support any one of the following committees:

  • Concession Stand/Snack Bar at Football and Basketball Games
  • Events Committee
  • The Big Event - Bright Lights Big City Auction (Auction Gifts, Advertising, Underwriting, and much more)

Please feel free to contact Fathers’ Club President Marty Murphy at We look forward to meeting you!


Membership in the SI Fathers' Club is automatic. Members comprise both current and former dads. There is no cost for membership. Join us today simply by coming to our many events throughout the year!

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer opportunities are available with The Big Event Auction, Concessions and events such as the Welcome Tailgate, Crab Feed and all of our other functions.

Click here to learn more.