Ignatian Guild
The Ignatian Guild — true to its charter of creating an inclusive, nurturing, and fun community through volunteerism, friendships, and camaraderie — invites all SI mothers and guardians who identify as "Mom" to join. The focus is on throwing events, building community, and having fun!!!
All are invited to the Guild monthly social (wine, appetizers, and conversation) and meeting to learn more about Guild events and school updates. Second Wednesday of the month, Social at 5:30 p.m. - Meeting 6:30 p.m.
Attend the Guild events held throughout the year. Grab a friend, the parent next to you in the stands, or behind you in the pick-up line. Creating community is what makes SI special. Our events are adult only or with your student.
Please volunteer to help plan and support the great work of the Guild. The Annual Big Event - Fashionable Auction - March 1 & 2, 2025 is an opportunity for all grade level moms to participate.
The purpose of the Guild is to come together as mothers, and those you identify as such, to build community and truly be parents with and for others. Events are inclusive and money raised supports every SI Student.
2024-2025 Ignatian Guild Officers
- President - Kerry Honey
- Vice President - Kealy Murray
- Communication Secretary - Michelle Keegan
- Treasurer - Jane Kang
- Asst. Treasurer - Laurie Orosco
- Recording Secretary - Hilary Dito
- DEIB Rep - Mare Manangan
Please send any questions to ignatianguild@siprep.org
2024-2025 Meeting Calendar
President's Welcome
Dear SI Parents:
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We are the Ignatian Guild/Mothers’ Club at SI. All mothers are automatically members and are invited to all of our meetings and events. Our mission is to build community here at SI and we strive to do that through our many events throughout the year. Events we have planned include Moms Night Out, Mother-Son and Mother-Daughter Nights, Mother Student Mass, and our International Food Faire. And a very special Senior Show and Auction on March 1-2, 2025! We invite you to come to our meetings and get involved, it is a fantastic way to meet the community. WE ARE SI! GO CATS!
Kerry Honey
Ignatian Guild President 2024-2025
Parent of Mackenzie’19, Thomas ‘21, Charlotte’23, and Will ‘25
Join Us
Ignatian Guild 101: Mothers Serving Others
WHO: All mothers and guardians of current St. Ignatius College Preparatory students are encouraged to join.
WHAT: Host events to build our SI community and raise $$$ for all SI Students.
WHY: Because we’re better together . . . many hands, more friends, more fun!
- Volunteer
- The Big Event - Bright Lights Big City
Our Biggest Fundraising event! New in 2025 - we have successfully transitioned two long-standing and beloved events (Fathers' Club Auction and Ignatian Guild Fashion Show) into a single weekend, we are moving from an on-campus event to off-campus, and will be able to increase overall attendance. Featuring SI seniors as models at a Saturday dinner show including our famous Auction and Sunday luncheon. Fun time is always had by all. - Community Building Events
- All SI moms/guardians are encouraged to join in on the fun at our events throughout the school year.
- E-Scrip & Amazon Smile
Shop, support, repeat! What could be easier?! Click here for complete sign-up directions.
Supporting our community:
- SunshineHUGS - Preparing meals for families in need