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Student Government

Made up of Class Officers, this group represents the voice of the students by creating equitable and inclusive events and activities. Their mission is to build community by planning fun events for their classes and the entire student body like dances, themed sporting events, Christmas Week and fun field day activities. Seniors make up the majority of this group, followed by juniors and sophomores. They represent different areas of the school such as sports, campus ministry, performing arts, clubs, affinity groups, speech & debate, robotics, etc. 

2024 - 2025 Structure

The entire Student Council seniors,  juniors, and  sophomores. The council will be elected by student votes along with teacher recommendations. If there's a need, some will be appointed by the Assistant Principal of Student Affairs and the Director of Student Activities. Each class will vote for for their class officers and positions will be determined within that group based on the need.

We will meet a minimum of once a week during a selected resource period next school year and will have additional meetings as needed to plan events and/or activities.

A mandatory retreat will be held sometime in the spring around May or June. We will reconvene in early August to prepare for the upcoming school year.

Student Council will also help plan events and activities by being in one or more of the committees below:

  • Class Activities
  • Clubs
  • Dances & Special Events (Hoopcoming, Friday Night Lights, Girls Flag Football, Prom, & more)
  • Intramurals
  • Performing Arts
  • Social Media/Announcements
  • Wildcat Nation

Student Government Election Timeline and Instructions:

Applications will be available in the spring semester.


Got questions?! See Ms. Finn in the student activities office or email her at